Officers Candidate Selection Written Economic Census 2016 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Cilegon Municipality

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Officers Candidate Selection Written Economic Census 2016

 Officers Candidate Selection Written Economic Census 2016

February 9, 2016 | BPS Activities

Despite the rain, about seven dozen candidate officer Economic Census 2016 (SE2016) BPS Cilegon is eagerly participated in the written selection at BPS CIlegon office. This morning was the session SE2016 officer candidates from Grogol subdistrict. They were given a total of 90 questions about the psychological test and 5 about the matter of mathematical logic for 45 minutes.

Began with the speech of the Head of BPS Kota Cilegon, the participants were given an explanation of selection activities of this selection. BPS head Cilegon City, Mr. Nandang Efendi explained that this activity is an activity that must be implemented by BPS As the person in charge of the census, as evidence of transparency in electoral census. Expected to people who could be better qualified officers in 2016 Economic Census reliable and competent.

This activity will take place over three days with sessions from 8 different districts. Hopefully this selection activities can get a good officer, and reliable quality for the success of the Economic Census 2016 in the city of Cilegon in particular.
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