Banten Exports August 2018 Increases 4.26 Percent to US $ 1,113.22 Million; Imports Down 13.18 Percent to US $ 1,108.63 Million - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Cilegon Municipality

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Banten Exports August 2018 Increases 4.26 Percent to US $ 1,113.22 Million; Imports Down 13.18 Percent to US $ 1,108.63 Million

Release Date : October 12, 2018
File Size : 0.63 MB


  • Banten export value in August 2018 rose 4.26 percent compared to July 2018 exports to US $ 1,113.22 million.
  • Non-oil and gas exports in August 2018 rose 4.43 percent compared to July 2018 to US $ 1,112.85 million.
  • Oil and gas exports in August 2018 fell 81.69 percent from the previous month to US $ 0.37 million.
  • The largest non-oil and gas export value in August 2018 came from the footwear category (HS 64) which reached US $ 209.76 million.
  • The biggest destination for non-oil and gas exports in August 2018 is the United States with an export value of US $ 171.14 million.
  • Non-oil and gas exports in August 2018 experienced an increase in the industrial sector, but there was a decline in the agriculture and mining sectors and others.
  • Banten import value in August 2018 decreased 13.18 percent compared to July 2018, to US $ 1,108.63 million.
  • Non-oil and gas imports in August 2018 decreased 25.79 percent to US $ 733.50 million.
  • Oil and gas imports in August 2018 rose 30.05 percent to US $ 375.12 million.
  • The largest non-oil and gas import value in August 2018 came from the category of organic chemicals (HS 29) which reached US $ 266.94 million.
  • The largest supplier of non-oil and gas imports in August 2018 was Singapore with an import value of US $ 110.08 million.
  • Import value according to class of goods usage for August 2018 has decreased in value for all classes of goods, both raw / auxiliary materials, capital goods. and consumer goods.

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