IBS Production Growth in Quarter III 2019 grew by 3.93 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Cilegon Municipality

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IBS Production Growth in Quarter III 2019 grew by 3.93 Percent

Release Date : November 5, 2019
File Size : 1.31 MB


  • Growth in Production of Large Medium Manufacturing Industries in Quarter III 2019 (Q to Q) rose 3.93 percent compared to Quarter II of 2019.
  • Y-on-Y growth of IBS production in Quarter III of 2019 increased by 3.13 percent compared to Quarter III of 2018.
  • The type of industry that experienced the highest increase was the base metal industry 38.48 percent. While the industry that experienced the biggest decline was the Machinery and Equipment Industry YTDL -19.91 percent.
  • Nationally IBS Production Growth in Quarter III of 2019 compared to Quarter II of 2019 (Q to Q) rose 5.13 percent.
  • While on a Y-on-Y basis, the National Medium Large Industry (IBS) Growth grew 4.35 percent.
  • The growth of Micro and Small manufacturing industry production in Banten in Quarter III 2019 (Q-to-Q) grew by 2.38 percent.
  • While on a Y-on-Y basis (Quarter III 2019 compared to Quarter III 2018) the growth of Banten's micro and small manufacturing industry production grew by 10.13 percent.
  • The type of industry that experienced the highest increase was the base metal industry 34.37 percent and the biggest decline was the rubber industry, rubber and plastic goods fell -3.50 percent.
  • Q-to-Q National Small Micro Industry (IMK) production growth reached 0.29 percent.
  • Y-on-Y's National Micro Small Manufacturing Industry Production Growth reached 6.19 percent.
  • Badan Pusat Statistik

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